Thursday, January 15, 2009

Setting a good example

New Year means setting goals. For us is trying to get things in order with Heavenly Father and making sure our life is focused around the gospel. At least we try in every shape and form. So as always we set goals on trying to read more frequently the scriptures and making sure that we have family home evening more often not just once or twice a month and just making it fun for the kids. As usual we always do our family prayers before we go to sleep and we always kneel down to pray before we leave the house in the morning. As you know already our youngest just turned 1 and he has been paying a lot of attention to what is going around the house and so yesterday morning as we knelt down to pray he was just crawling around and realized what we were doing and joined our circle and knelt down next to his sister Mitchelle and was reverent throughout the whole prayer. I'm sure you must be wondering why I was not closing my own eyes but as a mother I was just keeping an eye on him but was totally moved by his obedience with the prayer. He then later as we were getting ready for bed and joined together for prayer he did the exact same thing as the morning but this time dad was around to see it for himself. It was awesome. So this obviously puts pressure on me to make sure we are always choosing to do the right since we are being so closely observed. Don't under estimate your young ones.

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