Saturday, January 24, 2009

I said what!?

Lately Ruben and I have been renting some movies to watch and well he really isn't into Chick flicks and I really do not mind action. I rented this movie that just came out and I remember liking it and thought that it would be okay for the kids to see since there was only action and nothing else(at least that I could remember). So the next day we decided that we would all see it as a family and the movie started and to both Ruben and my surprise there was a sex scene in the beginning that we honestly forgot and Ruben could not find the remote fast enough and the kids were laughing and all I could yell out was SHUT YOUR LEGS!!! over and over again. The kids looked at me like I was crazy and Natasha said, "Do you mean SHUT your EYES?" We could not stop laughing the whole night. I guess you had to be there.

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